Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pluto the Doggy.

The meanie Astronomers have kicked Pluto out of the solar system. *Frowns* So now only the pluto doggy remains!. ( not complaning ).How rude can they get? now the future kids won't be learning the names of the planets with the help of this cute phrase which i remember from day one!.

'' My Very Eager Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets ''.

What would they do now? hmmmm Id suggest.. ( Eccentric suggested by Nishath )

'' Meanie Vicious Eccentric Men Just Speak Utter Nonsense''

' Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune ' ---- > They miss Pluto! I can feel it!.


At 5:39 PM, Blogger ari4u said...

well.. pluto is gone... 3 more new planets will be in.

At 1:53 AM, Blogger Nida said...

i didn't know that..
but c'mon pluto is pluto!

At 5:11 AM, Blogger Anand said...

well in one decade of difference in the generation....the planets themselves have changed...sigh!

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Nabeel said...

well we should be open to science .. like if we have a principal .. it can change due to new developments and findings .. the same way they changed the principal that the sun recolves around the earth (and trust me .. the guy was labelled heretic and was punished severely.

What happened @ Rain in KHI? u said u nearly drowned .. i know @ open manholes ... are you ok? What happened?

At 8:27 AM, Blogger Dh@v@! said...

yeah... even i miss Pluto

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Twisted DNA said...

"'' Meanie Vicious Eccentric Men Just Speak Utter Nonsense''"
Hey that's a good one! At least we have the dog! Let's hope somebody won't come by one day saying Pluto the dog is not a dog!

By the way, you are tagged :) Check my blog

At 2:48 AM, Blogger Nida said...

Anand : And the people :/ .

Nabeel : Haha! thats a good one!.
hmmm It was raining like Cats and Dogs here in Karachi this time.And everywhere you could see 'green' water. And yes i stayed indoors ;o so im fine.

Dhava : *sigh*..

DNA :Naww , i don't think they'd take the doggy away.Well but if they are really twisted then..

At 2:59 PM, Blogger ari4u said...

These things hold good with science, no matter how much of an oxymoron they may sound...

The only thing constant in life... is change

You have to run twice as fast... to remain in the same place

This means, we should adapt to change rapidly or we might become extinct :)

Take care

At 5:17 AM, Blogger Dh@v@! said...

Hey Nida...
where is the next blog!!!!

Common write something and
please change my name in ur blog links its Dhaval (n not Dhava)


At 8:10 PM, Blogger abstract said...

pluto was never economically profitable anyway...

At 5:37 AM, Blogger Nida said...

that sure does remind me of ' imperialism'

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Ashish Gupta said...

haha =))

I had thot of the outgoing phrase with Pluto in it... but 2nd one is pretty cool - u came up with that ?


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